BLUES REVIEWS SCHEDULE FOR 2001 ***************
Jan. 21st: Rosstamon & Sweet Parmela co-hosting a review of the official
MUSIC-BLUES TAPE 2000 entitled "Soul to Soul". Bios will be posted on
all musicians on the tape and trivia questions will be derived from these bios
so study up y'all!!!!
Feb. 4th: Redpop & Bluesboyjr teaming up to co-host the great Johnny
Shines... one of the most underrated dudes in the blues business. We will be
reviewing " Traditional Delta Blues " & anyone needing a copy pls
contact me @ or bluesboy @ for a copy
of the CD.
Feb. 18th: Muddy & Lou co-hosting the way cool Jimmy D. Lane's CD "
Legacy" featuring Sam Lay on drums, Carey Bell on Harp and his way cool dad
Jimmy Rogers on Guitar....yeeeeee-haaaaa..this one should be way cool!!!!
March 4th: Open Date.....anyone wanting to host (don't break my door down....hehe)
contact me at above addy!!!
March 18th: Lou will once again be hosting The Great Pat Ramsey " Live
At The Grand" and it's also LOU'S BIRTHDAY
All blues reviews are held in the bluesbreaker room in talkcity at 7:00
central... please contact me if you have any questions or are interested in
hosting a blues review in the future.......and thanks for keeping the blues